It was a long day. We arrived at the Hospital at 8:50 this morning for lab work scheduled at 9:15. We were scheduled to see the Dr. at 10 but that didn’t happen until just before 2 pm! We left the hospital at 5:45. The labs were about the same as two weeks ago. Lois’ hemoglobin is still on the low side but not so low as to require any action. The infusion and injections went in without any reactions (another gift from God) and the fanny pack pump is hooked up. (Yes, we checked: the clips are undone!)
Lois and I have both noticed some hair loss the past two weeks. The Dr confirmed this is not too unusual and might just be short-term. In other words she might not lose all her hair. On the other hand, after 13 months of chemo infusions the hair loss is not a surprise.
Pray for Lois (and for me). We arrived home at 8 pm and within 30 min I had the car loaded and was on the road for a four hour trip to Kansas City. (That’s where I’m writing this at 12:45 am) I have meetings and appointments for the next 11 days in MO, OK, IN and OH. Lois is OK with all this but I don’t really like being gone right after the big infusion and while she still has the fanny pack pump running. Even though she hasn’t experienced any major problems . . .
So we trust the Lord. I’ve been thinking a lot about Ps 31 while I was driving. I’m stuck on vs 3: “Since You are our rock and fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide us.”
Thank you for sending another update. It is always encouraging to hear how God is working in the midst of all of this. We will continue to pray for you both. He is an amazing God!
Jim and Elayne Campbell
Thanks for the report… are indeed a “trooper” excellent! I trust you continue to do well with Jim’s absence for a few days. Have a great week. “Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know…..and then HE went on to say to those driving spikes into HIS hands, “but I pray that yhou will be able to know that love.” And I know you know HIS love, but I liked the verse. Ephesians 3:19 NCV
I thought of you often yesterday, and thank God that He has blessed you so. Did Kari tell you that we took the tour of the new house and had a little time to visit while there. I know you have to be proud of them. Keep on keeping on, and I’ll see you soon.
I was drawn to read Psalm 31, and verse 3 is a strong message for me as well. The words resonate with the cry of our heart. But laced within it is God’s promise of strength to upgird us: YOU ARE MY ROCK AND FORTRESS. You have been an example of strength to all of us, and we pray for that strength to continue through these days of travel. God’s love and promises are faithful! God bless you.
Sonja and Richard Larsen