Twenty-six days after we celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary, Lois was completely healed; never to die again! It was 9-11-09.
“The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21)
Little did I know three years ago today how many times I would repeat Job’s words. Sometimes I mean them. Other times I repeat them because I want to mean them.
In Psalm 31:1-5 I find words that are more than I can fathom and I’ll share the Esch version:
“In you, Lord, I am taking refuge, don’t let me down. Take me seriously because I seriously need You to listen and rescue me with your righteousness. I need you to hide me from the loneliness, discouragement, and frustration which threaten me with ruin.
From the beginning, Lois and I publicly proclaimed our faith and trust in You – the reputation of your name is at stake – a lot of people are still watching and waiting for the train wreck. Lead and guide me away from the trap of self-pity for you are my strength and protection.
Once again, I affirm my commitment to trust you with my life. You’ve never let me down and I don’t expect you ever will.”
Every day I present myself as a living sacrifice asking God to make me holy and acceptable; like soft clay in His hands. And every day I find myself confessing – again – my willfulness in demanding my own way. His grace is more than I can fathom.
May each of you experience the peace that continues to surprise me.