God is Faithful

We are experiencing a tremendous answer to prayer! The lab reports were very good and Lois was able to get her first infusion of the new (for her) Folfiri Chemo regimen. This is a wonderful surprise because Lois has been nauseated, had very little appetite, and has generally felt sick since getting home from the hospital one week ago. Tuesday morning, as we drove to Iowa City, I prepared myself for what I expected would be a decision not to do an infusion – but God is at work and His will is being done.

Infusion # 22 was the first on a new regimen called Folfiri and includes Leukavorin, Avastin, Irinotecan, and Fluorouracil. The Irinotecan replaces the Oxaliplatin and the Fluorouracil will continue to be delivered via a “fanny pack pump” which is started at the hospital and disconnected 46 hours later by home health care. The other change is that Lois no longer has the Fluorouracil bolus prior to being hooked up to the fanny pack pump.

In the middle of all this, Lois fell Monday night and sprained her ankle. So we’ve done the Emergency Room routine in between lab work, consultations, and the infusion, to get x-rays and deal with that injury. Her left ankle is really swollen but it’s not broken! Treating this has been frustrating due to the neuropathy which made putting cold on the ankle more painful than the injury! Waiting for x rays and getting them read by the radiologist took an extra four hours yesterday. We left at 6:30 am and arrived back home at 11 pm.

We are watching for the expected reactions to this new Chemo “cocktail.” The Oncology pharmacist instructed me to purchase a package of 42 Imodium capsules before leaving Iowa City. Diarrhea can be severe and we were given a stern warning to ignore the instructions on the Imodium package and follow a set of directions they gave us. They are very concerned about the possibility of dehydration. So far, Lois has had very little problem with this but she has also experienced a great reduction in appetite and is not eating as much. In fact, yesterday she ate more than in the previous 5 days and that’s not saying much.

We had a long discussion with Dr. Halfdanarson’s nurse and his PA (Physician’s Assistant) to determine what to do about controlling pain without a lot of drowsiness and lack of appetite as well as controlling Lois’ blood pressure which is still high. We changed a number of medications, again, and we now have a spreadsheet to help manage all the prescriptions.

Again, we praise God that Lois is doing so much better than last week and that she was able to begin the new Chemo regimen. Thanks for praying! God is faithful!

10 thoughts on “God is Faithful”

  1. Thank you for the update as we have been praying nearly constantly (allowing for getting work done)that God would provide the health and strength for her to begin the new regimen. Now we praise and pray for low adverse effects. God is your strength and encouragement.

  2. Humans can’t find enough words to give all the Praise & Glory that God deserves for what He’s doing for you. Love is the only word that comes close in my small human mind. Love to all of you including God!

  3. Incredible. Reminds us of that song, “Our God is an Awesome God…” Thanks for the update. As always, you are in our prayers.

  4. Thanks for the updade Wish we lived closer to beable to help you out with the little things. I have 5 more days left of teaching, will be glad that I will beable to stay at home and get a few of those little things done. Graduation for South Harrison is Sunday. We have several from Blue Ridge . What an exciting time for them and their families.
    Will continue to pray for Lois. We Love you Lois
    John & Stef

  5. Well, you have proved again when things get tough the tough get going….but of course in our case it isn’t with any power of our own but the power of HIS Holy Spirit as HE indwells us with HIS power….there is such a difference, ins’t there? Okay, you kids, behave yourselves and I am praying for you as well that each day your testimony will be such an encouragement to others, especailly to those who have not yet commited themselves to the Lord Jesus. I will talk with you later.
    Pastor Phil

  6. Just wanted to let you know that I am praying. I thank God for the strength and the boldness and courage that He has infused you with. May you continue to experience His grace and mercy. I know that you are daily relying on Him. I also pray that this new “chemo coctail” will be effective, with a minimal amount of side effects. I am also praying that your faithfulness and reliance on God will touch the hearts and lives of those who are providing Lois’s care. Dear Lord, daily provide all that Jim and Lois and their family need. In Jesus matchless name.

  7. I am so glad that Lois can continue her treatments, we will keep her in our prayers. Praise the Lord for all his blessings and may they continue.
    God bless and thank you for the updates.
    In the Lords service,


  8. Jim and Lois, We are praying for you and rejoicing in the good news about the new chemo treatment. God is good. Thank you for the updates too. May He continue to be with you and make the treatment work in a miraculas way so the doctor’s and nurses will know who is with you. Your testimony is a lesson for all of us.
    Sherry and John DeVault

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