Infusion #20

I realize we haven’t done reports for Lois’ Chemo Infusions 18 and 19. There really wasn’t much to report. We didn’t even see the Dr prior to those infusions because we’ve all been playing the waiting game. The CEA number has been on the rise since December 2 and conventional wisdom indicated the best course of action was to stick with the plan and wait a few more weeks to see if there was any sign of cancer on the scans. (CEA stands for Carcinoembryonic Antigen and is a type of protein molecule that can be found in many different cells of the body, but is typically associated with certain cancers.)

Today, April 1, 2009, we left home early to travel to the University Hospital in Iowa City so that Lois could start drinking “glow juice” at 7:30 am for a CT Scan at 8:40 am. From there we moved to the Cancer Clinic for lab work and then we waited for the Dr. to get the results of the scan and labs. We learned the tumors in Lois’ liver have grown – the CT Scan clearly showed the increase. The CEA number has also risen from 14 four weeks ago to 16.7 today. It was 4.8 the end of October.

You might recall that the end of October the oncology team decided Lois was doing so well they removed one drug: Oxaliplatin. Today they decided to add Oxaliplatin back into the “cocktail.” (This drug’s main side effect is a serious sensitivity to cold!) We will have three more infusions of Oxaliplatin, Avastin, Leucovorine, and the “fanny pack pump” infusion of Fluorouracil which lasts for 46 hours. In eight weeks there will be another CT scan and a full set up labs and we’ll re-evaluate the response of the tumors. Dr. Halfdanarson assures us that if this doesn’t work, there are some other drug combinations we can try.

We do not consider this “bad news” or even sad news. It’s just news.

Recently, Lois and I were at a church where someone asked, “How is Lois’ battle with cancer going?”

Our answer: “We are not in a battle! The battle is already won and we know how it ends! Cancer is just part of the adventure right now.”

“Just think—you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all! All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that. (1 Corinthians 1:6-8 The Message)

Please continue to pray that we will be faithful in “this spiritual adventure.”

7 thoughts on “Infusion #20”

  1. Jim and Lois, I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you that the both of you have shown us truly what it is to be serving the Lord and not willing to let this get you down. It is awesome to here you say that we are not in a battle the battle is already won. Both of you are great inspirations to my wife and I. We do not really know the two of you very well besides seeing you at church but we want you to know that we are in this thing with you, we are praying for healing. If there is anything we can do for you let us know.

    Torey Young

  2. What can I say but I am praying. Sorry to hear the tumors in the liver are growing again. We’ll trust the Lord with you that going back on an old treatment will be positive. As the English would say “keep a stiff upper lip”. That sure creates a problem when you drink your milk and I am not sure what a stiff lip has to do with your liver but you can try it. The English can’t be all wrong. Don C

  3. The “glow juice” must be working!! You reflect God’s “glow” so keep it up! You guys really reflect His Joy!!! Thanks for sharing all of that with us!!!

    God Bless!!

  4. Greetings!
    Sorry to hear the count went up. The other drug should help. My count is staying steady around 13.
    We are still praying. How about a visit when school is out? (Only 37 more days of school.) We do have to go after Memorial Day to make up for the snow days. We will check schedules.
    Thanks for the update.
    Love, Bettye Lou

  5. Hi you guys!
    Well, an adventure in life is exactly what HE promised to those of us who love HIM and serve HIM to our best. Try keeping a schedule with a 5 yr. old grandson and 9 year old granddaughter. My intent was to head south to Hedrick but time schedule was off to say the least. Before I give the wrong impression, the week with the kids in Texas as in travel was a good thing and we all three enjoyed it very much. Well, the juice is working and the glow is prominent and you two are something else! I pray that the Lord will continue HIS work and until the time of events we continue to praise and give HIM thanks. Your friend in Christ, Pastor Phil

  6. You don’t really need “glow” juice to glow:) Your smile and faithful encouragement to others(and us!) glows with the love of Jesus! We are thankful to have you and Jim by our side on this adventure. We are praying that you are set free from all disease. May God supply all the energy and strength you need along the way.
    Gracefully, Terry and Marsha

  7. Jim & Lois
    Thanks for taking the time to write your updates. God has used these notes to encourage us and strengthen our faith. You have been a tremendous example of living a victorious life. We’re honored to share your adventure.

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