I arrived in Lois’ room at 6:15 this morning and the surgical team of residents came in at 6:35 this morning. Here’s what we learned:
- yesterday they did a culture from the abdominal drainage tube and there was no infection.
- The PeT Scan to check for other problem areas where the carcinoma might be growing will be delayed for several weeks because they don’t want to risk getting a false reading due to everything that was done during this recent surgery. The resident thought it might happen in a month.
- Lois will have a Cystogram where dye will be sent to her bladder via the catheter and then x-rays will be taken to see how the bladder is functioning. They are especially looking for any possible leakage where the bladder was repaired where the carcinoma was attached.
- The surgeon, Dr Wilkinson, should be in later.
- If her bowels move today there is a good possibility Lois will be able to go home Wednesday.
Yesterday Lois rested a lot. Getting used to the oral pain meds will take some time. She did walk an extended route four times yesterday. Because of the holiday, there were some split shifts and the man pain med Lois should’ve had at noon was two hours late. It took some time to get ahead of the pain following that. That occurred just Kari and Joy and their families stopped in before heading home and I wasn’t paying attention to time.
Lois was able to eat some more yesterday and then dealt with the sensations of the digestive system dealing with solid food. She didn’t get nauseated but sure felt queasy for a while.
We had a number of visitors yesterday and that was appreciated.
Several people have emailed and called concerned about how I’m doing and my answer is, “I’m doing as well as can be expected.” This has all been a shock and there are so many unknowns that its very frustrating. In many ways I’m responding to this crises the same way I respond to others even thought its very personal. I’ve been staying at a local hotel that offers special rates for families of those hospitalized. It’s a room with two beds and Peter had stayed with me many nights. I’m quite sure Joy, Peter and Kari are in collusion to make sure one of them is here all the time. They’re adults so I can’t really tell them what to do but I am concerned about their lives and families and jobs.
Dear God,
Your love is from everlasting to everlasting. I thank you for your servants Lois and Jim and lift them up to you now. God, you have the solutions to our problems before we even know there are difficulties ahead.
I lift this family up to You and ask your healing power for Lois and your strength and sustaining for the rest of the family. You created Lois with such a special spirit. It radiates even from the hospital bed. We thank you for that loving creation of yours who is Lois and ask for continued healing.
In Jesus’ name, so be it!