Last night I met Peter in Des Moines and we looked at mice – computer mice! Nine years ago I received a gift of a wireless, optical mouse. I tried to calculate the hours I’ve used that mouse when answering email, updating blogs, working on messages, and surfing the web to read articles and news items. It must be more than 10,000 hours! Now the mouse is acting up. Sometimes it charges and other times I start to use it only to discover its dead. Lately I’ve been charging the batteries using a plug-in unit but I know it’s only a temporary fix.
I like this mouse. It fits my hand and the finish is worn off where my fingers rest. I would really like another one just like it but have searched without success. I like what’s comfortable and familiar.
This morning, as I read Isaiah 53:1-12 in preparation for Communion tonight, I was struck with the thought that Jesus probably preferred comfortable and familiar, too. But he willingly left the grandeur of Heaven and lived a pauper’s life; scorned, ridiculed, rejected. More than 2000 years ago he ate a final meal with his disciples knowing that in less than 24 hours he would suffer and die. Because the Father loves him, Jesus loves us – and dies for us.
Father, teach us to go beyond appreciating what Jesus did for us and learn how to live like Him. Give us wisdom to know how to let go of the comfortable and familiar so that we can be more like Jesus. Amen.