early evening
There have been many times of prayer for Lois since she was diagnosed in May of 2008. She’s been anointed with oil several times; elders from many churches have laid hands on her and prayed; family members have gathered and prayed; and hundreds of individuals and scores of church prayer meetings have prayed for Lois.
We want you to know those prayers have been and are being answered! God is here in this house. His presence is almost palpable. The Comforter is holding us close and providing peace that cannot be described. Lois’ countenance is calm. She is not agitated. There is rest and quiet on the outside as proof of what’s on the inside.
Lois’ earthly body is growing weak. She’s been unable to keep any food in her system since Friday and even most of the liquid has come back up. In the words of the Hospice Nurse, "things are progressing quickly."
This morning Lois moved (with assistance) from one couch to the other and has slept all day although at times the sleep isn’t all that deep. Sometimes she is a bit confused but often will make very pertinent one-word comments about a conversation.
In the past 24 hours she’s had about six ounces of fluid but no output. The Hospice Nurse is coming tonight to put in a catheter. The process of dehydration produces a natural anesthesia which results in Lois requiring very little medication. We aren’t forcing anything – just allowing the body to adjust in any way it can and making sure Lois is comfortable.
The healing we’ve been praying and trusting God for is growing closer. Soon Lois will experience all the Creator intended for her from the beginning of time.
I am struck by how ALIVE you both are in this time of dying. In the moment, present, calm, and vividly alive.
We are upholding you in prayer! We love you all!
Our prayers, but more importantly God’s loving arms are with you. May God’s peace & love engulf you all. We love you
Your family is in our prayers. We love you.
We love your entire family and are praying for all of you in this time. The faith,hope and trust that you and Lois have in God is such a powerful testamony to us. Thank you. Love, Jared & Angela
As I sit here and read this update, I cry for you who will be left with the hole Lois will leave, and I also cry with joy because Lois will be experiencing what all of us as Christians have never experienced, but are looking forward to. I also pray that this peace and calm you all have will continue as you travel the roads ahead. God is so good – He will not leave you for forsake you, but I don’t need to remind you of that, He has made His presence aware to you – for that I am so thankful!
Our hearts are breaking and at the same time rejoicing in what God is doing and how He is providing for you. We hold you in our thoughts and prayers. He is good. His love endures forever. What a testimony you both are to us.
While this hurts my heart, I am blessed by the strength you draw from the Lord. Your family is a very tangible expression of “He is my Comforter.”
As I was reading, a piece of a children’s poem by Rossetti came to mind:
“Spin and die,
to live again, a butterfly.”
Lois’ life is precious, and her beloved family will always be an expression of that. Her awesome transformation is at hand. Praise the Lord, she will have eternity to soar with Him.
You are in our prayers as you wait for the Lord to take Lois to His House. There are just not enough word to express how we feel. We love you both. Also give our love to your children
You and your family are showing us all how to handle this situation in a Godly manner. Thanks for being a Godly example. We love you all and will continue praying for you.
The Lambs
It is such a blessing to hear witness of answered prayers for peace and comfort for you both. Thank you for sharing your journey and most importantly…..your faith with us all. I know you hear this alot, but your continued faith and reliance on God’s love and purpose is such a testimony. We love you both so very much and will continue to hold you up in prayer.
My prayers for you and Lois for God’s grace and comfort in this time of extreme trial.
The strength of God is so powerful and I’m greatful that during this difficult time, you can feel His presence. I wish you and your family nothing but peace, peace from Christ who strengthens you.
Jim & Lois, thank you for sharing your life and testimony through this difficult time. Through the tears I can find a smile knowing that I will get one of Lois’ strong hugs in heaven one day.