Lois is feeling better today; the fever is not spiking as high (102 right now), pain control has been much more successful, and appetite is slowly improving. We were able to have a productive conference with the medical team and, even though we don’t have a lot of answers, we do have better questions.
Here are some bullet points of information:
· Pain is under control but it has taken the combination of delotid, morphine and Tylenol. We are working on methods to deliver pain control at home
· Lois will have daily injections to prevent more blood clots
· Dr Halfdanarson, our oncologist, is not overly concerned about the right kidney since all the labs and cultures have not indicated any infection. It’s something to watch . . .
· There is a trace of blood in Lois’ stools but, again, not enough for alarm.
· Even though the temp continues to spike, they are pleased that it’s on a downward curve.
Lois has been considerably more alert today and has fully participated in the discussions with caregivers. We have made it very clear that our goal is to control pain and get Lois home. The medical team has agreed to try to accomplish this in the next couple of days by moving to pain control and antibiotics that can be taken orally. We had a good discussion with the Palliative Care team and will begin doing more to make sure we are preparing for managing the pain that will come with the expanding liver.
We do appreciate your prayers, visits and calls.
Someone said to me yesterday that they were trusting God for a miracle. God is certainly able to do that and all of us would welcome a miracle and give Him all the credit. However, we are trusting God to be God no matter what.
To me, Lois is a miracle in herself. God created one of his most special people when he created her, and I consider it an honor to be one of her friends who loves and prays for her. Just me, Donna Dee
Lois, the ladies loved the material and look forward to making quilts with it. You are all in our prayers. God is always good, and eternial life doesn’t start with an end, it starts the day God comes into your heart. I pray that you continue to live each day to the glory of God.
Jim and Lois …..thanks for the up date….it is some encouraging and I am glad about that. “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Ps. 24:4,5
We love you guys and trust HIS very best in the days ahead….
Your friends in Christ,
Phil N’ Bonnie
Jim and Lois
You both hold a special place in our hearts. Our prayers are with you . May the Lord Bless you with special peace this very day.
Thank you for keeping us up dated as there isn’t a day that goes by that we ask ourself ” Wonder how Lois is today.” I love the song “He’s got the whole world in His Hand” and of course that includes you guys
LOve in Christ
John & Stef