And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:7

Wednesday, September 3, started off with lab work and then a 90 minute wait for the CT scan. Unlike many of the patients around us, Lois didn’t struggle with drinking the “glow juice” but the area was crowded and we ended up sitting on a window ledge for a long time. At 11 am we found a cafeteria serving baked potatoes with all the fixins’ and Lois was relieved to be able to eat something.

“Hurry up and wait” seemed to be the word for the day as we waited in the oncology clinic for another 90 minutes.  Both Drs. Iyengar and Halfdanarson walked into the exam room at different times and started with similar words: “Finally we have some good news!”

The CT scan showed the tumors have not grown and some of them even look smaller.  It shows the liver is smaller and in the physical exam it definitely feels softer. That, combined with best numbers yet on the lab work, is evidence that the cancer is no longer increasing.  For us – and you – it is evidence of answered prayer!

Once again, a suspicious spot showed up in the lower lobe of the right lung but even if it is cancer, the chemo treatments should be attacking it as effectively as the cancer in the liver and the Drs. are not overly concerned.  If the spot is still visible when the next CT scan is done, there will be more discussion about what to do.

The Oncology Drs. sent us right to the Infusion center for another round of Chemo. For the next four infusions there will be no change in the Chemo cocktail.  The infusion process took until 5:30 pm and Lois had no reactions this time. Another answer to prayer!

We waited to leave the Infusion Center until everyone was comfortable and Lois was all hooked up to the fanny pack chemo pump which will continue to push drugs into her system for 46 hours.

Going to Iowa City will remain on our calendar every-other week for the foreseeable future.  On October 29 Lois will have another marathon day of testing and the combination of Chemo drugs will be re-evaluated.

Because you have so wonderfully shared in the tough news we have dealt with since May, we wanted you to also share in our comfort. God is in control. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow but we rejoice in His presence and help today.  Again, thanks for praying!

7 thoughts on “SHARE IN OUR COMFORT”

  1. We have been following all your reports, Jim, and have certainly been sending prayers your way! It’s good to hear this one today! Please give Lois a big hug for us.

  2. Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow — even the blessing of strength and His Presence through it all. We’ve been trusting for good news and prayers answered (to OUR liking)!

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