“ . . . no mind has conceived what God has prepared . . . “

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1Corinthians 2:9

We are experiencing the truth of 1Corinthians 2:9 in our lives.  Although we would not choose for Lois to have cancer, we are amazed at what God is doing – both physically and spiritually – as we walk day-by-day with Him.

Yesterday, Aug 20, Lois and I traveled to Iowa City for her Chemo treatment number four. It was just the two of us for the drive there and back and we enjoyed our time together.

The Oncologist continues to be encouraging. The blood work “numbers” look good, the liver seems to be softer, and Lois is feeling good.  Although her blood pressure was high, they were willing to concede that the stress of anticipating another reaction to Chemo might be the cause. (They did send us home with instructions to take Lois’ BP everyday at different times.)

The Chemo infusion took over four hours and Lois started to have a reaction but sensed the symptoms and we took action. First of all, she got up and moved around. Second, she took an extra four TUMS to increase calcium. Third, we prayed.  In answer to prayer, the reaction never went beyond the initial symptoms. God gets all the credit!

” . . . no mind has conceived what God has prepared . . . ”

On a more personal note: Due to the very gracious gift from a family member-by-marriage who won a contest at a Christian Radio station, we had an unforgettable 33rd Anniversary celebration! On Friday night, Aug 15, along with 15 friends and family, we were treated to a private suite at Principal Park to watch an Iowa Cubs baseball game.  Then, on Saturday, we had 20 entrance tickets to the Iowa State Fair and enjoyed a wonderful day, again, with family and friends.  We still have to schedule a day at Blank Park Zoo – twenty tickets for that were also included.

Friday, Aug 22, Lois should be “deported” from the fanny pack pump about 1 pm and she is planning to go with me to Missouri Christian Union Council.

Thanks for praying!

4 thoughts on ““ . . . no mind has conceived what God has prepared . . . “”

  1. God is so AWESOME. Our prayers continue to be with you both.

    We love you folks so much.

    In Christ’s love
    The Lambs

  2. Hi Eschenbrenner’s
    Well, of course there is nothing better than good news! While it is a tough row to hoe, nonetheless things sound very positive at the point in the over-all experience. Happy Anniversary, is that what I understood? Good for you….and the world says, most of them won’t last too long. Hey, I fact I think my second daughter and her husband just celebrated their 31st or 32 nd…..the olderst one and her fellow celebrated their 33rd. Okay my dear friends have a great week end! I love the verse that follows yours, “….but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit, The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” Okay, I am out of here for now.
    Your friend in Christ,
    Pastor Phil

  3. Jim and Lois,
    I am encouraged and rejoice for you. God is good and in times of trail we seem to realize His goodness with greater gratitude. I continue to pray for healing and strength and a greater boldness in your lives. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and to me. In Christ Deb

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