This is what the LORD says – he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams. Isaiah 44:2-4.
Lois and I – and the whole family – have certainly experienced the blessing of God’s presence like water poured out on dry ground! We fully recognize the great value of faithfully praying friends. Thanks.
On Friday, July 11, Lois finished the IV pump chemo we took home with us from Iowa City. Although the nausea medicine made her drowsy, there were no other side effects. We drove to the North Kansas City area on Saturday, had supper with a pastor and his wife and attended two different churches on Sunday before beginning set-up for camp.
We had a great week at camp. The Lord was so good to Lois as she was able to do a lot more at camp than any of us expected. She did go to our room and rest or nap several times per day; and everyone did their best to make sure she didn’t have to walk too much by giving her rides on the golf carts. The reaction from alumni staff and campers was almost overwhelming.
On Wednesday evening, Tim Smelcer, our speaker, used Lois as an illustration in talking about trusting God in even the most difficult circumstances. He led the campers in prayer and anointed Lois with oil as all the pastors present (about 8) laid their hands on her. That was especially moving. We took every opportunity to remind anyone who would listen that we, too, are believing God for a miracle but will still trust Him no matter what happens.
Today we were at the University Hospital in Iowa City for “round two” of chemo. The initial blood work indicated no major changes so we’ll move forward with the chemo plan agreed upon two weeks ago.
It took just under four hours to infuse the three chemo drugs and hookup the fanny pack pump Lois will wear for the next 46 hours. Lois did just fine until we got out to the car. She tried to remind me to take the stamped parking ticket out of my pocket before I sat down in the car and the words wouldn’t come out right. Her hands were trembling and she said her tongue, fingers and feet felt “funny.”
We walked back into the infusion center and described what was going on and were inundated with nurses and Drs. Lois’ blood pressure was high (191/101) but that is somewhat normal after one of the drugs and given the stress of the situation. They checked her over and had her relax in the recliner for the next 90 minutes before giving the OK for us to drive home. We were warned to watch for signs of a stroke and told to check her blood pressure often.
As I write this Lois is sleeping on the couch. The combination of chemo drugs and the nausea meds make her really drowsy. We’ll do our best to keep everyone up-to-date.
This is what the LORD says – he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid . . . Thanks for praying
We will certainly be praying for you all. Peace, comfort, and good times. God Bless!!!!!!
The Lyles love you and are praying for you daily Lois and Jim.
And so we praise Him in the big things and the small things, the good and the bad…because He is God and He has a plan. Being at camp with you both was such a blessing. Your heart for God and your spirit of acceptance no matter what and continual praise to Him was so humbling. We all should model and live in that kind of faith. We are continual prayer for you both, for miracles, for God’s will.
We love you~Joe and Pam Arnold
Just want you to know that I am praying for you as you go through this. Praying God’s sufficient grace upon you all!
Love – Charene Bloomfield
It was great to read that Lois did so well at camp. I’m sure the camp experience was good for both of you.
I’m praying for both of you, and know God is able to touch Lois with His healing hand. It is so good to know He is in control and does everything well, even though we don’t always understand His ways.
Love and prayers, Marilyn
I have resisted asking the Lord “why” many times. On or about October 5, 2003, I entered the Liberty Hospital for a colon resection. A large growth which (thank God was not malignant) had been found. A fellow member of Old Union Church has the same surgery a few months prior to my surgery. He was home in about 5 days with no problems. Not so with me, my GI tract and my kidneys shut down. To shorten the story: 28 days in Liberty Hospital, 2nd surgery to clean up infection & do an illeostomy and 28 days in rehab. June, 2004, illeostomy reversed. November, 2004, hernia above mesh to close off illeostomy repaired. December 22, 2005, bent over to pickup KC paper, something popped in my left knee. Quadracepts tendon snapped and had to be surgically repaired. (Knee only half as strong as it was prior to Dec. 22nd.) March, 2006, gall bladder surgery. Some days, I have a hard time with Romans 8:28.
My encouragement is: Trust the Lord and hold on the ride may be very rough.